it is one of the most important
cultural centers in Milan
where huge success exhibitions have been held:
cultural centers in Milan
where huge success exhibitions have been held:
- 1952: exhibition with the works of Van Gogh
- 1951: exhibition on Caravaggio and the Caravaggeschi.
- 1953: Pablo Picasso exhibition and exhibits his "Guernica".
Every year around 1,500 works are hosted from all over the world, offering contemporary (modern and urban) design, painting and fashion to all (citizens and tourists).
In recent years, in its rooms have alternated, among others, names like
The Royal Palace has its center at the Duomo and has three exhibition venues:
- the Rotonda di via Besana,
- the Palazzo della Ragione
- the Arengario Palace.
The history of Palazzo Reale allows us to grasp the changes
that have involved one of the most important cities
of Italy and its inhabitants:
Its origins are very old,
initially home to the Broletto, then seat of the government of the
city from the Middle Ages,
it becomes the Reggia dei Lords of Milan,
with the lords of the Torriani,
Visconti, Sforza who strengthen its role as a political center.
Dominations in Milan
and enhancement works at the Palazzo Reale
(Luigi XII prima e Francesco I)
Succeduti agli Sforza, spostano qui la Corte nei primi decenni del Cinquecento facendone ufficialmente il Palazzo Ducale.
Dal 1535 al 1714
1594: verrà costruito il primo teatro di Milano all’interno del Palazzo, distrutto da un incendio, viene ricostruito e abbattuto di nuovo.
Austriaca, Maria Teresa d’Austria,
Dalla seconda metà del 18 secolo
LAVORI DI RINNOVAMENTO affidati a Giuseppe Piermarini (allievo di Vanvitelli).
Trasformazione del Palazzo in una reggia Neoclassica e scomparsa di ogni testimonianza architettonica dell’arte lombarda e da divenne il Palazzo dei regnanti, da Maria Teresa a Napoleone, da Ferdinando I ai Savoia re d'Italia.
Milano 1805, diviene capitale del Regno di Italia Napoleonico
Il nome «palazzo Reale»
si deve a Napoleone Buonaparte
Austriaca à Restaurazione;
1815: Milano diventa
capitala del Regno Lombardo Veneto
affidate a Andrea Appiani, a Pelagio Pelagi e ad un giovane Francesco HayeZ.
Grazie ai quali Palazzo Reale raggiunge il suo massimo splendore.
dopo la proclamazione del regno d’Italia 1861
Milano perde il suo status di capitale e il Palazzo Reale verrà utilizzato dai Savoia solo per eventi ufficiali;
ad esempio nel 1906 in occasione dell'Esposizione Universale.
In 1920, the Royal Palace became the property of the Italian State and
was open to visits by citizens;
During the bombings of 1943, the Palazzo lost most of its treasures:
whole rooms on the main floor were destroyed and
with them their content of frescoes, friezes,
sculptures and decorations; while furniture and furniture ornaments,
transferred elsewhere, during the war,
were no longer replaced in their place.
The great Hall of Caryatids was uncovered,
the caryatids eroded by fires, rain and snow following the bombing.
After long years of restoration, Palazzo Reale, finds the centrality of its role in the cultural and social life of the city;
The Museum of the Royal Palace, of which the first rooms
have already been rearranged,
is conceived as an itinerary through four great seasons:
- the Teresian and Neoclassical periods,
- the Napoleonic period,
- the Restoration and finally the Savoy Age after the Unification of Italy .
The first rooms belonging to the neoclassical period (from the reconstruction of Piermarini to the Napoleonic period) are those that better reflect the splendor of an "enlightened" era in which Milan played a major role in Europe.
Today the Royal Palace houses the Museum of the Cathedral of the Duomo and the Museum of Contemporary Art.
Near the Royal Palace we find the famous Teatro alla Scala.
Some interesting details:
realizzata dalla Manifattura Gobelins di Parigi)
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